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Disability Inclusive Grantmaking is the mission of DFN: inclusion of disability in grantmaking programs and inclusion of people with disabilities in grantmaking organizations.

girl on wheelchair

Disability Funders Network E-News: Vol. 5, No. 1 (Parts 1 and 2)

In This Issue

Note: The symbol indicates the article, event or award is disability-specific.

DFN News

DFN Member News

Publications and Resources

Grant and Award Applications

DFN News

DFN Rapid Response Fund Update

The DFN Rapid Response Fund provides mini-grants of up to $5,000 to nonprofit organizations serving people with disabilities whose lives have been disrupted by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma.  To date, the fund has raised $130,000 from contributions by DFN members and has committed over $100,000 to 24 organizations.

The Katrina page on our Web site (www.disabilityfunders.org/katrina) details our teleconference, media work and other hurricane-related activities.  All of these have expanded a long-term DFN project, Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities and Older Adults: What Grantmakers Need to Know, which develops educational materials for grantmakers on disability, aging and emergency preparedness and provides opportunities for related discussion.  For information on this project, see www.disabilityfunders.org/epdr.html.

Foundation News & Commentary Publishes DFN Article on Impact of Gulf and Atlantic Hurricanes

DFN was invited by the editor of Foundation News & Commentary (FN&C), one of the top journals of the foundation world, to write an article on the impact of the Gulf and Atlantic Hurricanes on people with disabilities and older adults and suggest how grantmakers can respond.  The article, “Hardest Hit and Least Protected,” appears in a special section titled “Foundation Response to Hurricane Katrina” of FN&C’s November-December 2005 issue.  See www.foundationnews.org/CME/article.cfm?ID=3489 for a copy of the article.

  DFN Launches Partnership with The Foundation Center

DFN will work with The Foundation Center to help the country’s premier grants database become more reflective of disability organizations, funders and their programs and to enhance its usefulness to disability grantmakers and grantees. The project, The DFN—Foundation Center Partnership to Enhance Disability Grant Data, is currently in the design phase.  Stay tuned to future editions of DFN E-News for updates on this exciting venture.

DFN Member News

Note to DFN grantmakers: if you send us your grant announcements and other news, we will be happy to post them in DFN E-News.

FISA Foundation Seeking Funding Partners for Project to Provide Access to Healthcare for Women with Disabilities

Twenty-seven million women with disabilities in the United states continue to face enormous barriers to even the most basic healthcare services.  For example, many doctors’ offices do not have an accessible entrance; if a woman cannot stand, she often cannot get a quality mammogram; if she cannot “hop up” onto an exam table she may not be able to get a gynecological exam or a pap smear.  Often, women with disabilities are perceived to be asexual and thus are not provided with basic information about sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, domestic violence or preventive health care.

On Dec. 6, 2004, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) held the first women and disabilities summit, “Breaking Down the Barriers to Health Care for Women with Disabilities.” Education was declared to be a critical next step toward improving care for this diverse underserved population. On July 26, 2006, U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., released “The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Improve the Health and Wellness of Persons with Disabilities,” asking for support to better the lives of people with disabilities through improved health care and understanding.

In response, in October 2005 FISA Foundation (Pittsburgh, PA) approved a grant of $100,000 over two years to the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) supporting the development of interactive training curricula to reduce the gaps in healthcare for women with disabilities. A panel of internationally recognized experts will design two computer-based training modules. The first will provide healthcare professionals and health educators with the knowledge and skills they need to provide optimal care to women with disabilities in a sensitive manner. The second will teach women with disabilities to communicate more effectively with health care providers and be active advocates for their own care.

The curriculum for healthcare professionals will be pilot-tested at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (University of Pittsburgh Medical School) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Harvard Medical School). The patient curriculum will be piloted at the Healthcare Center for Women with Disabilities, Magee-Women’s Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, and the Health Resource Center for Women with Disabilities, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.

This three-year project will cost $750,000 to develop and be implemented nationally. Additional funding partners are actively being sought. Please contact Dee Delaney, executive director of FISA Foundation at 412-456-5550 or dee@fisafoundation.org for more information.

[Submitted by Dee Delaney, executive director, FISA Foundation]

Alliance Healthcare Foundation Awards Grant to San Diego Deaf Mental Health Services

The Alliance Healthcare Foundation, committed to improving the healthcare delivery system for the medically underserved primarily in San Diego County, awarded a $90,508 one-year grant to the San Diego Deaf Mental Health Services’ Case Management Program. The funding supports case management services for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals and coordination of clients’ health and social service needs to address issues that impact their physical and mental health. For more information about the Alliance Healthcare Foundation, go to www.alliancehf.org/alliance.htm.

Kessler Foundation Trustees Approve $7.5 Million in Grants

The board of trustees of the Henry H. Kessler Foundation approved a grant allocation of $6.1 million to benefit people with physical disabilities through expanded rehabilitation research, employment and education programs. Earlier this year, the foundation awarded $1.4 million in grants to benefit a new strategic emphasis on employment. The current $6.1 million allocation is the largest in the foundation’s history.

The new employment and education grants were awarded to organizations that work toward improving employment and career advancement of people with disabilities.  Nearly $5.7 million funded ongoing rehabilitation research at Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation (KMRREC) in West Orange, New Jersey. KMRREC, a subsidiary of the foundation, investigates new rehabilitation techniques for people with physical disabilities, including programs to benefit people who have had spinal cord or traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis or other neuromuscular conditions.  Other grantees include the National Center for Disability Services (Albertson, NY), Cornell University, Northeast ADA & IT Center (Ithaca, NY), Employment Horizons (Cedar Knoll, NJ) and Tri-County Action Partnership (Bridgeton, NJ). For more information and a full list of grantees, go to www.hhkfdn.org/.

Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA Wins 2005 Eagle Award

Rayna Aylward, executive director of the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF), accepted the 2005 Eagle Award from Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) on behalf of Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA, parent organization of MEAF.  Each year DRA — a California-based, national disability law center — acknowledges organizations that make significant contributions to the advancement of people with disabilities within society.  Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA was recognized for the many ways its companies create positive change for young people with disabilities. The corporate focus is on helping young people prepare for meaningful careers by offering internships, job shadowing and mentoring opportunities.  Mitsubishi Electric employees also play an active role in developing community-based projects to assist young people with disabilities in their local communities by providing respite care for the parents of chronically ill children and raising funds for assistive technology in school classrooms. The company foundation is dedicated to helping young people with disabilities lead full and productive lives.

Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation Announces 2006 Grants

The Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF) recently approved a total of $528,000 in new and renewal grants for six national projects that serve young people with disabilities. This new round of grants reflects a continued commitment to MEAF’s Inclusive Initiative begun two years ago.  The initiative focuses on helping mainstream organizations such as Boys and Girls Clubs of America make their programs more accommodating of and attractive to disabled youth, while working to change attitudes among people without disabilities.  MEAF also donated sixteen 52-inch high-definition televisions to hurricane-ravaged schools that serve children with disabilities along the Gulf Coast. The schools will use the high-definition televisions to support programs for special education students — a significant enhancement to newly reopened classrooms.  For more information about MEAF, go to www.meaf.org/.

San Francisco Foundation’s John Kilacky Delivers Keynote Address to Kennedy Center’s Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability

John R. Kilacky, program officer for arts and culture at The San Francisco Foundation, gave the keynote address at the Kennedy Center’s Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability Training and Conference in Scottsdale, AZ, on Oct. 1, 2005.  Kilacky addressed accessibility issues in the arts as encompassing more than ramps, seating, listening devices, large print programs and sign language interpreters.  Accessibility has to be “at the heart of every organization,” he said.  It must also encompass how the creative works of marginalized communities are presented and received, and the inclusion of disability arts and culture worldwide. Kilacky, a filmmaker and performing arts professional who now has a mobility impairment caused by a tumor inside his spinal cord, also challenged the audience of artists and arts and disability experts not to refrain from offering constructive criticism to disabled artists out of fear of being “indelicate.”  “If we are going to stop being objectified,” he said, “we need to control our own images, take ourselves more seriously as artists, and challenge and support each other to make better work. The remarkable thing is NOT that people with disabilities are on stage or in galleries; we also must be judged on aesthetic terms as to how we draw, act, dance, play music and make films.  Otherwise artists with disabilities remain a carny freak sideshow.” To read the entire address, go to www.sff.org/about/documents/Disability_Keynote.pdf. (If you have difficulty opening the link, write to cawleysw@aol.com.)

  National Spinal Cord Injury Association Receives $500,000 for Hurricane Relief for People with Spinal Cord Injury

Robert Klein, chief executive officer of Safeguard Properties, Inc., and his wife donated $500,000 to the National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA) for the relief of people with spinal cord injuries and other disabilities who survived the ravages of Hurricane Katrina and other recent hurricanes.

The fund is named in honor of Brian McCloskey, the late son of Joseph McCloskey, a close personal friend of Mr. Klein.  The fund will provide direct assistance with cash to rebuild homes and replace durable medical equipment not covered by private insurers, home furnishings, items not replaced by FEMA or other sources, vehicles with wheelchair lifts and/or hand-controls, and to support advocacy to create disability-specific funding that addresses the additional needs of hurricane survivors with disabilities and maximizes public policy initiatives.  For more information, go to www.spinalcord.org/.

  National Organization on Disability Releases Latest Statistics on Disability Preparedness from Harris Poll

A recently released Harris Interactive survey commissioned by the National Organization on Disability’s (NOD) Emergency Preparedness Initiative (EPI) reports a marked decrease in workplace preparedness for people with disabilities.  The survey found that 57 percent of people with disabilities report having a workplace plan — down from 68 percent in 2003.  However, personal preparedness is on the rise. Nearly 54 percent of people with disabilities know emergency planning contacts in their communities — up from 44 percent in 2003. In addition, 47 percent of people wiith disabilities have plans to evacuate their homes safely, a significant increase from the 2003 survey result of 39 percent.  The complete survey and its findings are posted on the EPI Web site at www.nod.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Page.viewPage&pageId=11.

Publications and Resources

Consumer Guide to Assist People with Disabilities in Navigating Medicare Part D Drug Coverage

A new consumer guide, Understanding Changes in Prescription Drug Coverage for People with Disabilities on Medicare: A Guide for People with Disabilities, Benefits Counselors, Disability Organizations and Others On Transitioning to the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit, is the result of a collaborative effort between Advancing Independence, a disability- focused policy organization, and the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University.  Prepared by Bob Williams and Jeffrey S. Crowley, the guide addresses the particular concerns of people with disabilities in making sense of the complex details of the program and the large number of plan choices.  It is written in a question-and-answer format and includes worksheets that can be used when consulting a physician about current pharmaceutical use and when comparing and selecting a plan.  Free copies are available in PDF and HTML formats at http://hpi.georgetown.edu/rxchanges.html.

 [From a Justice-For-All e-mail news alert, Nov. 19, 2005]

National Council on Disability Releases Recommendations on Improving Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities Who Receive Social Security Benefits

The National Council on Disability (NCD) released its report, “The Social Security Administration’s Efforts to Promote Employment for People with Disabilities— New Solutions for Old Problems” on Nov. 30, 2005.  According to NCD Chair, Lex Frieden, “Although the Social Security Administration (SSA) has instituted a number of incentives to reduce the many obstacles to employment faced by its Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance beneficiaries, such efforts have had little impact because few beneficiaries are aware of these incentives and how they affect benefits and access to health care.” The report calls on Congress and SSA to make immediate changes to get more people with disabilities who receive Social Security benefits back to gainful employment. The report is available at www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2005/ssa-promoteemployment.htm.

NCD Issues Annual Progress Report

Each year, NCD submits to the president and Congress a status report summarizing major developments affecting the lives of people with disabilities in the preceding year and highlighting issues likely to emerge in the year to come.  The most recent NCD Progress Report, issued in November 2005, covers the period from December 2003 through December 2004.  Key topics include issues of concern to all people with disabilities (such as housing, health care, transportation, technology and homeland security) and issues of concern to people at every stage of the life cycle (from education and youth to employment and long-term services). These reports are excellent tools for funders, as they provide in-depth context for the issues addressed in most grantmaking programs. The report may be read at www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2005/progress_report.htm.

State Special Education Outcomes: Steps Forward in a Decade of Change

A new report from National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) summarizes the organization’s 10th survey of state directors of special education. The report offers a snapshot of new initiatives, trends, accomplishments and emerging issues as states document the academic achievement of students with disabilities during standards-based reform. For the first time in the 14 years it has been collecting data, NCEO reports that the number of students with disabilities achieving proficiency on state accountability tests is increasing. Most states now have at least three years of trend data and enough evaluation data to be able to attribute increased proficiency to several positive efforts by schools and districts. All states report documenting use of accommodations on test days. Updates on alternate assessments show continued evolution in various aspects — from the approach itself, to the content, setting of standards, and the scoring criteria. Forty-five states offer an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards. For a copy, go to   http://education.umn.edu/nceo/OnlinePubs/2005StateReport.htm.

New Disability Rights Web Site

A new Web site has been launched to promote the disability rights movement.  The site was created by Mark Johnson of Let’s Get Together (LGT) and dedicated to disability rights pioneers.  LGT was the fiscal sponsor for ADAPT of Atlanta, Concrete Change, Life Worthy of Life (a predecessor to Not Dead Yet) and the first consumer-controlled Independent Living  Center in Georgia. Although LGT no longer exists, ADAPT, Concrete Change and other LGT initiatives do. To access the site, which contains a listing for DFN, go to www.lgtinc.org.

Cross-Government Agency Initiative Provides One-Stop Shopping Web Site

Managed by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), 16 federal agencies contribute information on their disability initiatives and programs. The site has recently been reorganized and subsequently was recognized as one of the best federal government sites. To visit the site, go to www.disabilityinfo.gov/.

Two E-Zines Publish Issues Featuring International Disability

The World Institute on Disability posted a special issue of its online periodical, DisabilityWorld, on the theme of “Disability and Development.”  The issue takes a close look at policies and projects that mainstream assistance to people with disabilities within broader social and economic programs. The entire issue is available at www.disabilityworld.org.

Caitlin Stanton of The Global Fund for Women alerted us to a recent issue of the New Internationalist Magazine that is focused almost entirely on the experience and activism of people with disabilities worldwide.  See www.newint.org and scroll down to NI 384: I’ve got a right!.

Grantcraft Releases New Guide for Grant Makers

GrantCraft’s latest guide, Personal Strategy: Mobilizing Your Self for Effective Grant Making, draws on the wisdom of over 100 funders who attended workshops on this topic and offers concepts and techniques that grantmakers can adapt to their own practice.  For more information about this guide or other guides from GrantCraft, go to www.grantcraft.org or e-mail Jan Jaffe at j.jaffe@grantcarft.org.

Grant and Award Applications

Petra Foundation Award

The Petra Foundation Award recognizes unsung leaders in the United States for their distinctive and innovative contributions to the rights, autonomy and dignity of others. The Petra Foundation will give the winners a cash award of $7,500, publicize their innovative models for change, encourage their collaborations and welcome them into a national network of other Petra fellows and citizen-activists working across the spectrum of age, race and class to build a more just society.  For more information, contact the Petra Foundation, 315 Duke Ellington Blvd, 16C, New York, NY 10025; 212-665-6673; www.petrafoundation.org.  For award guidelines, go to www.petrafoundation.org/nominations.html.  Nomination deadline is Feb. 6, 2006. This is a good opportunity to encourage the Petra Foundation to add disability to its “spectrum.”

National Council on Disability Seeks Grant Applications for New Study on National Disability Performance Indicators and Data

The National Council on Disability (NCD) issued a pre-solicitation notice on January 6 at www.grants.gov and expects to post the actual research opportunity on February 6.  The study will focus on the federal government’s ability to collect and evaluate national disability performance indicators and data. The notice will be available on NCD’s Web site at www.ncd.gov/resources_opportunities.htm.

[Thanks to Maggie Roffee of the Office of Disability Employment Policy at DOL for this item.]

Quality of Life Grants Program

The Quality of Life Grants Program, sponsored by The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, provides grants to non-profit organizations for activities in 12 “quality of life” areas and for health promotion. Application deadlines are March 1 and September 1.  For details, go to www.christopherreeve.org/QLGrants/QLGrantsList.cfm?c=11.

[Thanks to Maggie Roffee of the Office of Disability Employment Policy at DOL for this item.]

  Emerging Leaders Summer Internship Program

The Emerging Leaders Summer Internship Program, a summer program for college students with disabilities, was launched by Booz Allen Hamilton and is now administered by the National Business and Disability Council. The application deadline for the 2006 program is January 31.  For more information, go to www.emerging-leaders.com.

[Thanks to Maggie Roffee of the Office of Disability Employment Policy at DOL for this item.]

2006 Irving K. Zola Award for Emerging Scholars in Disability Studies

The 2006 Irving K. Zola Award for Emerging Scholars in Disability Studies is sponsored by the Society for Disability Studies (SDS). The annual award recognizes excellence in research, writing and a commitment to disability studies as exemplified by Irving K. Zola’s life and scholarship. The award is open to emerging scholars in the field of disability studies. For more information, go to www.uic.edu/orgs/sds/ or call Joy Hammel at 312-996-4664. To apply, send manuscripts as an attachment in Word to Joy Hammel at hammel@uic.edu with “Irving K. Zola Award” in the subject line. A completed application form must accompany the manuscript as a separate attachment. If e-mail is not available, send one copy of the application form and five copies of the manuscript to: Joy Hammel, c/o Society for Disability Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1640 W. Roosevelt Rd. (M/C 626), Chicago, IL 60608-6904. Submission deadline is January 15, 2006. The recipient of the award will be announced on March 30.

Johnson & Johnson/Rosalynn Carter Institute Caregivers Program Hurricane Relief Fund

The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving (www.rosalynncarter.org), whose mission is to support organizations that improve the health and quality of life for people of all ages who act as caregivers for chronically ill, disabled or elderly family members or friends, announced the Johnson & Johnson/Rosalynn Carter Institute Caregivers Program Hurricane Relief Fund, which will be used to assist caregiving organizations that have been hardest hit by recent hurricanes. To request an application, contact Susan Cook at src@canes.gsw.edu or 229-931-6902. For more information about the fund, go to http://rci.gsw.edu/PR_04-14.htm.

Extended Deadline for 2006 Summer Information Technology Internship Program

The application deadline for the 2006 Summer Information Technology Internship for college students with disabilities has been extended to January 13 (5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time). The internship program is administered by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and sponsored by Microsoft Corporation. Undergraduate students interested in pursuing careers in information technology are encouraged to apply. Accepted candidates will work in various agencies in the executive branch of the federal government. Roundtrip air travel and housing will be provided to interns, and each student will receive a stipend. Applications are available at www.AAPD.com.

2006 Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia University

The 2006 session of the annual Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP) at Columbia University is currently accepting applications. As part of mission of the Center for the Study of Human Rights’ mission, the HRAP brings human rights leaders from the Global South and marginalized communities in the U.S. to Columbia University for a four-month residency with a structured curriculum of advocacy, networking, skills building and academic coursework. By building the capacity of community organizers, journalists, teachers, lawyers and other human rights activists, HRAP aims to support the non-governmental organizations or movements within which these individuals serve as leaders. The application deadline is February 28, 2006. For more information, go to www.columbia.edu/cu/humanrights/training/adv/hradv_pgm.htm.

Request for Proposals for the LEAD 2006 Conference

The Kennedy Center Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD) Conference and Training is accepting proposals for pre-conference workshop intensives at the 2006 conference to be held August 3-6 in Washington, D.C. Pre-conference sessions’ extended sessions that focus on a specific topic of interest to ADA/504 Coordinators, Accessibility Managers and/or Arts Administrators will be held on Thursday, August 3. Presenters for each session will receive compensation. Proposals must be submitted to the Kennedy Center Accessibility Program by January 30. To submit a proposal, e-mail access@kennedy-center.org or call (202) 416-8727 (voice) or (202) 416-8728 (TTY).

Digital Storytelling Institute Accepting Applications from California Nonprofits

The Community Technology Foundation of California and BAVC are now accepting applications from California nonprofits for the next round of the Digital Storytelling Institute (DSI). The DSI is a program that seeks to build social change digital storytelling programs that work in underserved communities. We work with nonprofits to specifically build on their existing capacity and providing training and support in this area. Please visit http://digitalstorytelling.zerodivide.org to download the PDF application form and to view digital stories of current DSI grantees. E-mail applications are due on Friday, January 13. If you feel you are interested, but need additional time, e-mail digitalstorytelling@zerodivide.org.


Director of Communications, Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation

The Meyer Foundation in Washington, D.C., seeks a seasoned communications professional to serve as its director of communications.  Among the responsibilities of the position are helping to design overall communications strategies, maintaining and building relationships with key print and broadcast reporters, planning and implementing regular media briefings, overseeing and coordinating institutional communications, and overseeing and extending the foundations communications work on the Internet.  To apply, submit a letter of interest, resume and three writing samples via e-mail to jobs@meyerfdn.org with “Director of Communications” in the subject line.  Indicate any minimum salary requirements in the letter of interest.  All attachments should be in Word or .pdf format; no .zip files.

Program Officer, Moses Cone – Wesley Long Community Health Foundation

The Moses Cone – Wesley Long Community Health Foundation has an opening for a program officer responsible for all aspects of grantmaking within his/her assigned areas of the foundation’s funding priorities.  The program officer is also responsible for maintaining current knowledge of philanthropy and health care issues related to the foundation’s priorities, and may be assigned secondary responsibilities in one or more areas of foundation activity, including communications, community relations, advocacy and/or general administration.   For more information, see www.mcwlhealthfoundation.org. To apply, please send resume to Moses Cone – Wesley Long Community Health Foundation, POB 4426, Greensboro, NC 27404.

Program Manager, Funders Concerned About AIDS

Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA) — a non-grantmaking philanthropic organizaation committed to mobilizing philanthropic leadership and resources, domestically and internationally, to eradicate the HIV/AIDS pandemic and to address its social and economic consequences — is seeking a program manager. To apply, e-mail resume with cover letter and salary history to Sunita Mehta, executive director, info@fcaaids.org, or fax to 212-687-2402. For more information, go to www.fcaaids.org. Application deadline is January 15. No phone calls.

Program Officer, Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation

The Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation, whose mission is to build just and caring communities in the Southeast, is seeking a program officer to develop and manage a portfolio of grants, capacity building activities and program-related investments in the Southeastern United States. For more information, contact Leigh Ann Adams at 336-748-9222, by e-mail at ladams@mrbf.org, or go to www.mrbf.org/programofficer.html. Application deadline is February 17.

Program Officer for the Americas, Global Fund for Women

The Global Fund for Women, an international grantmaking foundation that supports groups working to advance the human rights of women and girls, is seeking a program officer to manage its Americas portfolio. Applications and all supporting documents must be postmarked by January 25; projected start date is mid-March, 2006. For a position description and application information go to www.globalfundforwomen.org/5other/jobs.html.

Executive Director, Social Venture Partners

Social Venture Partners, an international network of individuals who combine the power of business and the passion of philanthropy, is seeking an executive director. The location of the position will be either Seattle or Dallas. To apply, submit cover letter (2 pages max.) and resume to info@svpi.org with the subject line “SVPI Executive Director”. Application deadline is January 31. For more information, go to www.svpi.org.

Grants and IT Administrator, F.B. Heron Foundation

The New York-based F.B. Heron Foundation (www.heronfdn.org) has an immediate opening for a Grants and IT Administrator responsible for ensuring the accuracy, integrity and timeliness of the tracking, reporting and reconciliation on applications, awards, distributions and the impact of both grants and mission-related investments, as well as other database and analytic projects such as the foundation’s integrated scorecard and performance metrics. No calls, please. Local candidates only: please send cover letter, resume and salary history to Grants/Data Administrator Search, The F. B. Heron Foundation, 100 Broadway, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10005-1902; 212-404-1805 (fax); or e-mail hr@heronfdn.org. The F.B. Heron Foundation is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

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