Did you know...

Disability Inclusive Grantmaking is the mission of DFN: inclusion of disability in grantmaking programs and inclusion of people with disabilities in grantmaking organizations.

girl on wheelchair

DFN at a Glance


  • Evolved from Funding Partnership for People with Disabilities, a grantmakers collaborative created in 1990 to assist implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Formally established in 1994
  • Legally incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization in 2005


  • To increase the extent and effectiveness of grantmaking that benefits people with disabilities
  • To promote inclusion of people with disabilities in effective philanthropy


  • In 2002, major foundation giving awarded only $465.7 million – 2.9 percent of total grant dollars – to programs for people with disabilities, versus $4.2 billion to education programs, $2.9 billion to health programs and $1.9 billion to arts and culture programs.
  • Most grantmakers regard disability as a health issue, not as a diversity issue that fits any inclusive grantmaking program.

Current Initiatives


  • Networking with grantmakers and disability experts
  • Information and publications
  • Professional development
  • Technical assistance
  • Discounts on resources from other organizations
  • Learn about more DFN membership benefits
  • Join DFN


FISA Foundation has been a member of the Disability Funders Network for over ten years. DFN offers invaluable resources that have helped us raise the capacity of our disability-related grants, provides connections to other funding partners, and fosters a better understanding of the true meaning of inclusion. Thank you, DFN, for serving as a “one-stop shop” for disability consultation!


  • Board of directors: 9 volunteers elected from membership
  • Who serves on DFN’s board; DFN’s staff