DFN E-News: Vol. 4, No. 4

- DFN Member News
Publications and Online Resources
- Effective Philanthropy: Organizational Success Through Deep Diversity and Gender Equality
Summary of Disability Community Civil Rights Forum
The Current State of Transportation for People with Disabilities
- Northern California Grantmakers Public Policy Grantmaking Toolkit
Population in State Institutions in a Steady Decline
Parent Perspectives on Institutions
The ADA Document Portal
Report on Expectations for Students with Cognitive Disabilities
The Top 10 Companies for People with Disabilities
- Award Applications
- Executive Director, Funders Concerned About AIDS
- Administrative Manager, Funders Concerned About AIDS
Executive Director, The Inclusion Network
- Program Officer, F.B. Heron Foundation
- Program Manager, Hispanics in Philanthropy
- Executive Assistant to the President, Hispanics in Philanthropy
- Program Coordinator, Hispanics in Philanthropy
- Director, New Ventures in Philanthropy, Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
DFN Member News
Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation Funds Congressional Internship Program
The Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF – www.meaf.org/) and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD – www.aapd-dc.org) announced that eight students have been selected to participate in the 2005 Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation/AAPD Congressional Internship Program. The paid summer internship program, launched in 2002, gives college and university students with disabilities the opportunity to obtain first-hand knowledge about the legislative and political process and a unique learning experience that enriches their educational activities and enhances future career opportunities. Interns are selected on the basis of a written application and personal interviews. For more information, go to www.aapd-dc.org/internships/congress/MEAF05/MEAFinternInfo05.html.
NEC Foundation Grants
The NEC Foundation of America announced grants totaling $115,000 to three organizations that advance technology for people with disabilities on both individual and societal levels. Two of the grants provide teachers and youth with practical skills to improve educational and career opportunities for people with disabilities, and the third grant will substantially improve and accelerate the accessibility of broadband media for deaf and hard of hearing consumers. For more information, see www.necfoundation.org/.
Note to DFN grantmakers: if you send us your grant announcements, we would be happy to post them in DFN E-News.
Publications and Online Resources
Effective Philanthropy: Organizational Success Through Deep Diversity and Gender Equality
Effective Philanthropy: Organizational Success Through Deep Diversity and Gender Equality, by Mary Ellen Capek and Molly Mead, offers strategies for strengthening organizations through a commitment to diversity and gender equality. Capek and Mead’s research shows that institutionalizing a more nuanced understanding of what the authors call “deep diversity” allows organizations to make full use of all the resources they have available, both internally and externally. Case studies and funding initiatives highlighted in the book include The California Wellness Foundation, the Otto Bremer Foundation, the Philadelphia Foundation, the Ms. Foundation for Women’s Collaborative Fund for Women’s Economic Development, and programs for women and girls funded by the United Way of Massachusetts Bay. For more information and to order the book, go to http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?sid=4507C833-2B5C-4229-B49B-B5D9AD64F056&ttype=2&tid=10650.
[From Women in Philanthropy E-mail Update, June 24, 2005]
Summary of Disability Community Civil Rights Forum
In March 2005 the National Council on Disability (NCD), www.ncd.gov, sponsored a civil rights forum, “Same Struggle, Different Difference,” to encourage greater collaboration and communication among disability advocates and the civil rights coalition on common policy priorities. The forum was sponsored by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) with the support of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, AARP and NCD’s Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee. More than 90 individuals from 47 civil rights and disability rights organizations participated in the discussion. For a summary of the forum, go to www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2005/forum_summary.htm. Workgroup notes from forum discussions are posted at www.ncd.gov/newsroom/advisory/cultural/group_notes.htm. For a resource directory drawn from NCD’s Cultural Diversity Initiative toolkit, go to www.ncd.gov/newsroom/advisory/cultural/resource_directory.htm.
The Current State of Transportation for People with Disabilities
The National Council on Disabilities (NCD) recently released a report entitled The Current State of Transportation for People with Disabilities. The report highlights best practices and successful initiatives in the industry that can serve as models for enhancing transportation and mobility for people with disabilities. The report is a useful resource for transportation professionals, lawmakers working to improve access to transportation and mobility for people with disabilities. The report also recommends service improvements and further research that will lead to more options for the 6 million Americans who have difficulties obtaining transportation. For more information, contact Mark S. Quigley at 202-272-2004 or 202-272-2074 (TTY) or mquigley@ncd.gov.
Northern California Grantmakers Public Policy Grantmaking Toolkit
Northern California Grantmakers (NCG) recently launched The NCG Public Policy Grantmaking Toolkit, created to demystify public policy grantmaking and to build the capacity of funders to engage in public policy initiatives. It is a useful tool for both experienced funders and those new to public policy grantmaking as well as nonprofit organizations. The toolkit is available on line at www.ncg.org/toolkit.
Population in State Institutions in a Steady Decline
According to the results of a new study published in the April 2005 issue of Mental Retardation, there has been a steady decline in state institution populations. For the complete article, go to www.aamr.org/Reading_Room/pdf/LakinMarch05MR.pdf.
Parent Perspectives on Institutions Versus Independent Living
In the June issue of Mental Retardation, parents exchange perspectives on institutional versus community living for adult dependents with developmental disabilities. For a full discussion of the topic, see “The Editor’s Perspective,” by Steven Taylor (editor of Mental Retardation), “Outcomes That Matter: Parents’ Perspectives” by Mary McTernan and Nancy Ward (from Voice of the Retarded) and “Response to McTernan and Ward” by Sue Swenson (from Arc of the United States) at www.responsetrack.net/lnk/aamr218925/?11J2Z06REEC.
The ADA Document Portal
Over 7,400 documents related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are available at www.adaportal.org. The document database can be searched by keywords and a document classification system. There are also links to other sites for 15,000 additional ADA-related documents.
Report on Expectations for Students with Cognitive Disabilities
To read a report on academic expectations for students with cognitive disabilities within the context of IDEA and the No Child Left Behind Act, go to http://education.umn.edu/nceo/OnlinePubs/Synthesis55.pdf.
The Top 10 Companies for People with Disabilities
DiversityInc has added a new specialty list for people with disabilities to its workplace diversity survey. New disability-related survey questions included whether or not companies had special recruiting programs for people with disabilities. In addition, the survey researchers talked with leading disability-rights organizations about their criteria and surveyed Web sites of companies under consideration to see if they included people with disabilities. The top 10 companies actively recruited people with disabilities. Interestingly, all also have a strong commitment to place women in management positions. The top ten companies in order of ranking are Merrill Lynch & Co, Procter & Gamble, Hewlett-Packard, JPMorgan Chase, Verizon Communications, SSM Health Care, General Motors, Sodexho U.S.A, Merck & Co., and Prudential Financial. For more information, go to www.DiversityInc.com.
[From a Justice-For-All e-mail news alert, June 24, 2005]
Award Applications
Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation
Applications are being accepted for the Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation, which honors an existing nonprofit program that “creates a new dimension of performance in its target area and has had significant impact of the people it serves.” 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofits are eligible to apply. Application deadline is August 12, 2005. For more information, go to www.pfdf.org/award/index.html.
Executive Director, Funders Concerned About Aids (FCAA)
Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA) (www.fcaaids.org), a non-grantmaking philanthropic institution committed to mobilizing philanthropic leadership, ideas and resources to eradicate the worldwide HIV/AIDS pandemic and to address its social and economic consequences, is seeking an executive director. Application packet should include a brief cover letter with a complete resume and recent salary history. To apply, send three copies of the application packet to: Funders Concerned About AIDS, Attention: Search Committee, 50 East 42nd Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10017. Application deadline is August 15, 2005. Interviews will be conducted with final candidates in mid-September. The Search Committee will contact you if additional information is required for the consideration of your application. No e-mail applications.
Administrative Manager, FCAA
FCAA is also seeking a full-time administrative manager. To apply, send resume with cover letter and salary history to Administrative Manager Search, Funders Concerned About AIDS, 50 East 42nd Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10017, Fax: 212-687-2402. No phone calls; position open until filled.
Executive Director, The Inclusion Network
The Inclusion Network (www.inclusion.org), a Cincinnati, Ohio, non-profit that focuses on inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life, is seeking an executive director. To apply, send resume to The Inclusion Network, Attn.: Executive VP, 312 Walnut Street, Suite 3600, Cincinnati, OH 45202, or fax to 513-621-2864.
Program Officer, F.B. Heron Foundation
The F.B. Heron Foundation (www.heronfdn.org), a private foundation whose mission is helping low-income people and communities to help themselves, is seeking a program officer. To apply, send cover letter, resume and salary history (required) to hr@heronfdn.org or to Program Officer Search, The F.B. Heron Foundation, 100 Broadway, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10005. No calls.
Program Manager, Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP)
Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP), a membership organization that serves as a catalyst to increase resources for the Latino and Latin American civil sector and increase Latino participation and leadership throughout philanthropy, seeks a program manager to be the lead staff person developing and implementing the Latino Funds Development Project. To apply, send cover letter, resume and an outline of how your experience matches up with the job requirements to Christa Roth, Hispanics in Philanthropy, 200 Pine Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94104, or e-mail Christa@hiponline.org. Application deadline is July 22, 2005.
Executive Assistant to the President, HIP
Hispanics in Philanthropy is seeking an executive assistant to provide executive level administrative support to the president. To apply, send cover letter and resume to Christa Roth at Christa@hiponline.org. The cover letter should include 2-3 examples of professional successes or accomplishments and salary requirements. Application deadline is July 21, 2005.
Program Coordinator, HIP
HIP is also seeking a program coordinator for its Northeast Regional Office in New York City. To apply send cover letter, resume and brief writing sample to Christa Roth, Hispanics in Philanthropy, 200 Pine Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94104, or e-mail to christa@hiponline.org. Application deadline is Friday, July 29, 2005. Applicants are encouraged to apply early.
Director, New Ventures in Philanthropy, Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
The Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers is seeking a director to lead the continued development and implementation of a major national initiative that encourages the growth of philanthropy across the United States. To apply, e-mail cover letter and resume to kkeiser@givingforum.org by July 22, 2005. No phone calls.
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