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Disability Inclusive Grantmaking is the mission of DFN: inclusion of disability in grantmaking programs and inclusion of people with disabilities in grantmaking organizations.

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DFN E-News: Vol. 4, No. 3

Calendar Addendum, Jobs and Time-Sensitive Announcements

Calendar Addendum

Note: The symbol indicates disability community events.

June 14

The Global Willowbrook, a Symposium

The Open Society Institute, 400 W. 59th St., 3rd Floor, New York, NY
5 p.m. for symposium; 6:30 p.m. for reception

Space is limited, so please RSVP by June 10 to Samia Khan at skhan@mdri.org or 202-296-6522.

Note: this seminar on human rights and advocacy for people with disabilities has been organized by DFN-member Mental Disability Rights International (MRDI) in cooperation with the Open Society Institute.

June 14

Safeguarding Charity in the War on Terror

Georgetown Public Policy Institute and Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership
Georgetown University, Copley Formal Lounge
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

For more information or to RSVP, go to http://cpnl.georgetown.edu/rsvp.cfm?rsvp_id=14 or contact Amanda Horwitz at arh33@georgetown.edu.

June 15, June 17

Learning to Swallow

Learning to Swallow, a film about an artist with a bipolar condition, competes as one of 10 films in the AFI/Discovery Channel International Competition.

AFI Silver Theatre, Silver Spring, MD
Tickets are available May 25 by phone (866-SLVR-DCS), online at www.silverdocs.com and at the AFI Silver Theatre Box Office.

July 23

2005 Disability Pride Parade

Chicago, Illinois – Parade begins at Halsted and Randolph Streets

For more information, see www.disabledandproud.com/parade.htm, e-mail prideparade@disabledandproud.com, phone 312-253-7000, ext. 199, or send a text message to lalaot@gmail.com.

October 8-10

Global Commitment to Rural Independence: A Conference on Independent Living
The Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL)

Honolulu, Hawaii

For more information, contact Elissa Ellis by phone at 330-678-7648 or by e-mail at april-elissa@neo.rr.com.


Director of Programs and Advocacy, Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago

Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago, a not-for-profit center for advocacy, services and social change for people with all types of disabilities, is seeking a director of programs and advocacy to be responsible for the implementation of its services and advocacy. Fax, mail or e-mail resume and references to: 312-253-7001, Human Resources, Access Living, 614 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60607, or personnel@accessliving.org.

Production Coordinator, Association of Small Foundations (ASF)

ASF is seeking a production coordinator to oversee the publications calendar; build and monitor editing, reviewing and production schedules; support the senior staff in managing budget for design, printing and mailing of publications; work with designers and do desktop publishing, and maintain and update Web sites. Send cover letter and resume via e-mail to Association of Small Foundations, Production Coordinator Search, at hr@smallfoundations.org. No phone calls. Application deadline is June 10, 2005.

Program Manager, Association of Small Foundations (ASF)

ASF is also looking for a program manager to develop, coordinate and deliver products and services for its content and educational programs. The program manager will develop and design products and services; conceptualize and implement special projects; and develop relevant educational programs, workbooks, and curricula. Send cover letter and resume via e-mail to Association of Small Foundations, Program Manager – Content & Education, at hr@smallfoundations.org. No phone calls.

Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SERAC)

SEARAC is looking for a new California projects director tol implement the Healthy Elders Leadership Project (HELP), described below under RFPs. For information, go to www.searac.org/po-help-caprodir-42905.pdf.


The Washington Center Internship Program

The Washington Center Internship Program for Undergraduates with Disabilities (TWC) offers a comprehensive internship experience in Washington, DC. Scholarships are available for qualified undergraduate students with disabilities through a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). Technical assistance is provided by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD). For more information, contact J.T. Taransky, internship and logistics coordinator, at 202-457-0046 or 800-840-8844, aapdjt@aol.com or jennyt@twc.edu. Application deadline is June 18, 2005.


Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA)

FCAA is soliciting proposals from Web site consultants to support day-to-day maintenance of its Web site (www.fcaaids.org). The consultant will provide an hourly rate (no minimum retainer) for ongoing service that may include, but is not limited to: troubleshooting site problems (with FCAA staff); changing/updating web content; producing web pages; posting documents in PDF form for download; and creating page archives. As part of the proposal package, please submit a cover letter, resume, current client list, links to site in current portfolio, two (2) letters of recommendation from current clients, hourly rate, sample contract and whatever additional information you deem necessary for us to gauge your prior work. The deadline for proposals is June 17, 2005. Please send materials to: Vic Tolentino, program manager, Funders Concerned About AIDS, 50 East 42nd St., NY, NY 10017. For more information, call 212-573-5533.

National Council on Disability

The National Council on Disability (NCD), an independent federal agency that makes recommendations to the president and Congress to enhance the quality of life for all Americans with disabilities and their families, announces a request for proposals to select a contractor to establish a mechanism whereby ADA stakeholders can engage in a national dialogue on ADA and examine strategies for more effectively implementing it. Based on stakeholder input, the contractor will prepare a final report with specific recommendations for improving ADA implementation. For more information, contact Mark Quigley, 202-272-2008, 202-272-2074 (TTY), mquigley@ncd.gov or go to www.ncd.gov. Copies of the RFP are available on or after May 15, 2005. Submission deadline is June 20, 2005.

Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SERAC)

A new DFN member, SEARAC, is working with California Health Advocates and the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging to begin a new project to improve the lives of Southeast Asian American senior citizens and their families in California: the Healthy Elders Leadership Project (HELP). HELP will build the capacity of Southeast Asian American community groups to serve elders, it will help elders to access publicly funded services for senior citizens, and it will help elders and others to educate policymakers in California about Southeast Asian American elders.

This year, HELP is inviting Southeast Asian American mutual assistance associations (MAAs) and faith-based organizations (FBOs) in northern California to apply to be project partners. Partners will receive $10,000 per year, renewable for two additional years, along with training and technical assistance in the implementation of best practices, advocacy and other topics. Later this year, HELP will also provide support for leaders from throughout California to educate decision-makers in Sacramento about Southeast Asian American elders. For an RFP for participation in the project, go to www.searac.org/help.html. You will also find a position announcement for SEARAC’s new California projects director, who will implement the HELP project.


Reebok Human Rights Award

Established in 1988, the Reebok Human Rights Award honors young people from the United States and around the world who have made significant contributions to the cause of human rights, often against great odds. The purpose of the award is to shine a positive, international light on the awardees and to support their work in human rights. A $50,000 grant is given to further the work of each award recipient. Candidates must be 30 years of age or younger by December 31, 2005. For more information, contact the Reebok Human Rights Program at 781-401-4910, 781-401-5061, by e-mail at rhraward@reebok.com, or go to www.reebok.com/humanrights. Nominations must be received by May 31, 2005.

Grant Applications

2005 Real Choice Systems Change Grants for Community Living

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced approximately $30 million in Real Choice Systems Change grants. These grants are intended to foster systems changes that enable children and adults with disabilities or long-term illness to live in the most integrated community setting appropriate to their individual support requirements and preferences, to exercise meaningful choices about their living environment and to obtain quality services. A copy of the 2005 Real Choice Systems Change solicitation package, including the application forms, can be obtained at www.grants.gov. For more details about the grants, visit the CMS Web site at www.cms.hhs.gov/newfreedom/. Applications are due on July 7, 2005.
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