DFN E-News: Vol. 4, No. 2
2005 Calendar
Note: The symbol indicates disability community events.
Calendar of Disability and Philanthropy Events
May 9
Women with Disabilities: Sex in the City
The Women’s Center at Premier Healthcare
Crowne Plaza Manhattan Hotel, New York
Contact: Andrea, 212-273-6193, or alafayette@yai.org
May 9-10
Approaches to Recovery and Reintegration:
Survivors of War-Related Injuries
Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC
For more information: www.survivorconference.org or e-mail survivorconference@LandmineSurvivors.org
May 9-11
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
Summit on Spinal Cord Injury
Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC
For more information: www.spinalcord.org/
May 9-11
National Training Conference for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Government (DHHIG)
Think, Act, Lead
George Washington University, Washington, DC
For more information: www.dhhig.org/ntc
May 9-11
YAI National Institute for People with Disabilities
Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation:
Policy, Program Development, and Service Provision in Community-Based Settings
New York City
For more information: http://yai.org/pid.cfm
May 10-11
Communication Strategies for Autism and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
Wyndham Northwest, Chicago, IL
For more information: www.spectrumtrainingsystems.com/chicago.html
May 17-18
10th Conference on Inclusive Schools and Communities for Children and Youth
Building Partnerships for the Future
Westchester Marriott Hotel, Tarrytown, NY
For more information: http://lsb.syr.edu/projects/syspro/conference/
May 17-19
2005 National ADA Symposium & EXPO
ADA/IT Center
Overland Park Convention Center, Overland Park, KS Contact: Eric Stockton, 573-882-3600, 573-884-4925, stocktone@missouri.edu or www.adaproject.org/
May 18-20
Association of Small Foundations
Building a Strong Foundation
Minneapolis, MN
Contact: Johanna Edens, johanna@smallfoundations.org, 888-212-9922, www.smallfoundations.org
May 19
National Council on Disability
Youth Advisory Committee Meeting
National Council on Disability, Washington, DC
Contact: Mark Quigley, 202-272-2008, mquigley@ncd.gov, or go to www.ncd.gov
May 19-20
International Funders for Indigenous Peoples Annual Conference
Transforming the Landscape of International Grantmaking for Indigenous Peoples
Open Society Institute, New York City
Contact: Evelyn Arce-White, 540-371-5615, x14; ifip@firstnations.org
May 19-20
The Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities Annual Women’s Retreat
Riverside Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
For more information: www.floridaarf.org/Default.asp
May 19-22
National MultiCultural Institute’s 2005 Spring Conference
Cultural Liberty: Championing Diversity, Equity and Human Rights
Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda, MD
Contact: Maria Morukian, 202-483-0700, x228; mmorukian@nmci.org
May 20-22
Discovering Community and Developing Identity
The Fifth Annual Retreat for Disability Activists & Allies
The Leaven Center, Lyons, MI
For more information: www.leaven.org/upcoming.htm or call 989-855-2606
May 21-22
The World of Possibilities Disabilities Expos
Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD
For more information: http://expo.caringcommunities.org/
May 22-24
Respect-ABILITY 2005
Building a Stronger Future
Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, CA
For more information: http://wlcdr.everybody.org/RespectAbility/2005/index.htm
May 23-25
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
2nd National Summit on Regional Equity and Smart Growth
Philadelphia, PA
Contact: Ben Starrett, 305-667-6350, x206; ben@fundersnetwork.org
May 26-29
2005 American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (ADARA) National Conference
Orlando, FL
For more information: www.adara.org/
May 26-29
Autism One 2005 Conference
Chicago Marriott O’Hare Hotel, Chicago, IL
For more information: http://autismone.org/leftside.cfm?page=1&tl=0
June 1-2
Homeland Defense Training Conference
Psycho-Social Aspects of Catastrophic Disasters:
Preparing Healthcare Professionals for New Challenges in the Medical Arena
Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC
Contact: Pamela Greenstein, 703-807-2758, or pgreenstein@marketaccess.org
June 1-3
Proyecto Vision
Fourth Annual Bridges to Employment Conference
Exploring Career Opportunities for Latinos with Disabilities
Sheraton Raleigh Capital Center Hotel, Raleigh, NC
For more information, call 800-325-3535, 919-834-9900, or go to www.proyectovision.net/english/bridges/index.html
June 1-4
Grantmakers for Education
2005 Education Grantmakers Institute
Foundation Strategies for Influencing Education Policy
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
For more information: www.edfunders.org
June 2-4
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Conference 2005
Natural Sounds
Kelowna, British Columbia
For more information: www.chha.ca/conference/conference_index.htm
June 4-5
La Pena Cultural Center, Berkeley CA
For more information, e-mail superfest@aol.com or go to www.culturedisabilitytalent.org/
June 4-6
European Foundation Centre
16th Annual General Assembly and Conference
Foundations for Europe: Making the Union Work for All Citizens
Budapest, Hungary
For more information: www.efc.be
June 5-7
Conference of Southwest Foundations
Co-sponsored by the Southeastern Council of Foundations
Community Foundations Advance
Soloman Retreat Center, Robert, LA
For more information: www.csf.org or call 214-740-1787
June 6-8
Environmental Grantmakers Association
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders 2005 Annual Forum
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Contact: 805. 687-0551, vclarke@ega.org, or www.safsf.org
June 7-11
University of Connecticut, Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability
17th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (PTI)
Portland, Maine
Contact: Carrol Waite, 860-486-3321; carrol.waite@uconn.edu or http://vm.uconn.edu/~wwwcped/05pti.htm
June 8-10
Corporate Grantmakers Summit
San Francisco, CA
Contact: Julie Norwood, 202-467-0465
June 9-11
Collaborative Assistive Technology Conference
Westin Westminster, CO
For more information: www.uchsc.edu/atp/conf2005/conf2005main.htm
June 10-12
Deaf Women and HIV/AIDS in Africa Conference
Washington, DC
For more information: www.deafafricanwomen.org/index.htm
June 13-15
The Public’s Health and the Law in the 21st Century
4th Annual Partnership Conference
Atlanta, GA
For more information: www.phppo.cdc.gov/od/phlp/conference/con2005email_marketing.asp
June 14-15
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition
2005 National Leadership Summit on Improving Results
Policy and Practice Implications for Secondary and Postsecondary Education, Transition and Workplace Development for Youth with Disabilities
Capital Hilton, Washington, DC
For more information: www.ncset.org/summit05/
June 15
Universal Village: Livable Communities in the 21st Century
AARP Global Aging Program
The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington DC
Contact: Jay Ross, 202-434-2419 or jross@aarp.cog
June 16-17
National Transition Conference
From Roots to Wings
Capital Hilton, Washington, DC
For more information: www.dtiassociates.com/rsatransitions/
June 18
Association of Small Foundations
Trustee Leadership Seminar
The Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
Contact: Janice Simsohn Shaw, janice@smallfoundations.org, 888-212-9922 or www.smallfoundations.org
June 18-21
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) 2005 Annual Convention
Austin Hilton Hotel, Austin, TX
For more information:
June 23-25
United Cerebral Palsy Annual Conference
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, AZ
For more information: www.ucp.org/
June 23-27
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America’s (RESNA)
28th International Conference on Technology & Disability
Atlanta, GA
For more information: www.resna.org/
June 25-29
Deaf Women United
10th National Conference
Location: Ellicott City, MD
For more information: www.dwu.org/conference/2005/
June 26-29
Spina Bifida Association of America
32nd Annual Conference
Building Bridges to Advance Understanding
Minneapolis, MN
For more information: www.sbaa.org/site/PageServer?pagename=index
June 27-30
Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf:
An International Symposium
Rochester, NY
For more information: www.rit.edu/~techsym/
June 28-July 1
9th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)
Frontiers of the Human-Machine Interface
Chicago, IL
For more information: www.smpp.northwestern.edu/ICORR2005/index.htm
July 2-8
National Federation of the Blind
2005 National Convention
Louisville, KY
For more information: www.nfb.org/convent/convens2.htm
July 10
Council on Foundations Summer Institutes
Institute for New Board Members
The Governor Hotel, Portland, OR
Contact: Karen Green, 202-467-0428, greek@cof.org, or go to www.cof.org
July 11
Council on Foundations Summer Institutes
Establishing a New Foundation
The Governor Hotel, Portland, OR
Contact: Sophie Dunbar, 202-467-0423, dunbs@cof.org, or go to www.cof.org
July 11-12
Council on Foundations Summer Institutes
Institute for New Grantmakers
The Governor Hotel, Portland, OR
Contact: Sophie Dunbar, 202-467-0423, dunbs@cof.org, or go to www.cof.org
July 11-12
International Human Rights Funders Group Semi-Annual Meeting
Reconciling Human Rights and Security
New York, NY
Contact: Catherine Townsend, 212-475-1137; ctownsend@mertzgilmore.org
July 11-13
Telecommunications for the Deaf Conference
New Orleans, LA
For more information: www.tdi-online.org/tdi/conf.asp
July 11-14
National Council on Independent Living
2005 Annual Conference
Washington, DC
For more information: www.ncil.org/
July 13-16
Autism Society of America
Nashville, TN
For more information: www.autism-society.org/site/PageServer
July 16-21
12th World Conference of the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
For more information: www.icevi.org/
July 20-21
Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD)
Annual National Meeting
Boston, MA
For more information: www.cosdonline.org/news/index.shtml
July 20-24
National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns
2005 National Training Conference
Crowne Plaza Hotel, San Antonio, TX
Contact: Paul Leung, 940-369-7939, pleung@unt.edu
July 27-29
Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
2005 Regional Associations National Conference
Callaway Gardens and Resort, Pine Mountain, GA
Contact: Erin McCarty, emccarty@givingforum.org, 202-467-1122, www.givingforum.org
July 31-August 15
Mobility International USA
2005 US/Japan
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Disability and Volunteerism
Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Amanda Hickok, 541-343-1284, exchange@miusa.orgor, or go to www.miusa.org/
August 1-4
International Special Education Congress (ISEC) 2005
Glasgow, Scotland
Contact: Lucy Alder, isec.2005@strath.ac.uk or go to www.isec2005.org.uk/
August 2-6
The Annual International Association On Higher Education And Disability 2005
Meeting the Profession
Milwaukee, WI
For more information: www.ahead.org/training/conference/index.htm
August 23-25
Accessible Design in the Digital World Conference 2005
Dundee, Scotland
For more information: www.dmag.org.uk/resources/design_articles/conference.asp
August 31-September 5
2005 Deaf Seniors of America Conference
San Francisco, CA
For more information: www.deafseniors.com/
September 11-13
Neighborhood Funders Group 2005 Annual Conference
Phoenix, AZ
Contact: bettye@nfg.org
September 11-13
Philanthropy Northwest
Annual Conference
Stevenson, WA
For more information: www.philanthropynw.org
September 11-14
The Second International Conference on Birth Defects and Disabilities in the Developing World
Jiuhua Spa and Resort, Beijing, China
For more information: www.chinamed.com.cn/birthdefects/
September 15-16, 2005
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Workplace Accommodations
Workplace Accommodations: State of the Science
Atlanta, GA
For more information: www.workrerc.org/sos
September 19-21
Association of Small Foundations
Building a Strong Foundation
New York, NY
Contact: Johanna Edens, johanna@smallfoundations.org, 888-212-9922, www.smallfoundations.org
September 19-21
Council on Foundations
Fall Conference for Community Foundations
Seattle, WA
Contact: Heather Scott, 202-466-6512
September 22-23
Alliance for Full Participation Summit
Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington, DC.
For more information: http://allianceforfullparticipation.org/
September 22-24
Conference of Southwest Foundations
57th Annual Conference
Westin La Cantera, San Antonio, TX
Contact: Dawn Townsend, dawn@csf.org, 214-740-1787, www.csf.org
September 25-28
Environmental Grantmakers Association
Annual Retreat 2005
Mohonk Mountain House, New Platz, NY
Contact: www.ega.org and www.mohonk.com
September 26-27
Job Accommodation Network
2005 Annual Conference
Westin San Francisco Airport Hotel
For more information: www.jan.wvu.edu/
September 26-28
Grantmakers For Children, Youth & Families
20th Annual Conference
Crossing the Divide: Creating Communities for All Ages
Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, CO
Contact: www.gcyf.org, 301-589-4293
September 29
Association of Small Foundations
990-PF Tax Seminar
Boston, MA
Contact: Johanna Edens, johanna@smallfoundations.org, 888-212-9922, www.smallfoundations.org
September 29-October 1
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ LEAD Conference
The Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, Phoenix, AZ
Contact: Eileen Bagnall at 602-757-8118 or 520-631-6253
October 8-11
National Network of Grantmakers
2005 Annual Conference
Semiahmoo Resort, Blaine, WA
Contact: Mari Bongiovanni, mari@nng.org, 612-724-0702, www.nng.org
October 9-12
Philanthropy Australia
Second International Philanthropy Conference
A Wealth of Experience: Building Philanthropy, Corporate Citizenship & Community Capacity
Hotel Sofitel, Melbourne, Australia
Contact: Conference Secretariat at event@happenings.com.au, www.philanthropy.org.au
October 10-12
Grantmakers for Education
2005 Conference
New York, NY
For more information: www.edfunders.org
October 10-12
Council of Michigan Foundations
33rd Annual Conference
Grand Traverse Resort, Traverse City, MI
Contact: Vicki Rosenberg, 616-842-7080, vrosenberg@cmif.org, or go to www.cmif.org
October 16-19
Grantmakers in the Arts
2005 Annual Conference
Westin Pasadena Hotel, Pasadena, CA
Contact: Julie Sponsler, gia@giarts.org, 206-624-2312 , www.giarts.org
October 19
American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
Disability Mentoring Day
For more information: www.dmd-aapd.org/
October 20
Association of Small Foundations
990-PF Tax Seminar
Philadelphia, PA
Contact: Johanna Edens, johanna@smallfoundations.org, 888-212-9922, www.smallfoundations.org
October 21
Association of Small Foundations
Trustee Leadership Seminar
The Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
Contact: Janice Simsohn Shaw, janice@smallfoundations.org, 888-212-9922, www.smallfoundations.org
October 23-25
Independent Sector
Annual Conference
JW Marriott Hotel, Washington, DC
Contact: Tracy Fleming, 202-467-6100
October 26-28
Grantmakers in Aging
Annual Conference
Baltimore, MD
Contact: Darla Minnich, dminnich@giaging.org, 937-435-3156, www.giaging.org
October 26-29
NADD 22nd Annual Conference
From Genes to Policy: The Many Faces of Dual Diagnosis
Hyatt Regency St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
For more information: www.thenadd.org/ or call 845-331-4331
October 26-30
Alternatives Conference 2005
Location: The Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Arizona.
For more information: www.power2u.org/alternatives2005.html
November 1-3
U.S. Business Leadership Network’s 2005 Annual Conference
Pittsburgh, PA
For more information: www.usbln.com/events/index.htm
November 2-4
The Communications Network
Annual Conference
Cleveland, OH
Contact: Amber Khan, amber@comnetwork.org, 301-589-4262, www.comnetwork.org
November 4
Association of Small Foundations
990-PF Tax Seminar
San Francisco, CA
Contact: Johanna Edens, johanna@smallfoundations.org, 888-212-9922, www.smallfoundations.org
November 4-5
Disabilities Expos
Landmark Mall, Alexandria, Virginia
For more information: http://expo.caringcommunities.org/
November 8-13
The Teacher Education Division Annual (TED) Conference
Holiday Inn By The Bay, Portland, ME
For more information: www.tedcec.org/
November 9-11
Association of Small Foundations
Building a Strong Foundation
Santa Monica, CA
Contact: Johanna Edens, johanna@smallfoundations.org, 888-212-9922, www.smallfoundations.org
November 9-11
Southeastern Council of Foundations Annual Meeting
Marco Island Marriott Resort, Marco Island, FL
Contact: Marianne Gordon, marianne@secf.org, www.secf.org
November 9-11
Technology Affinity Group
Annual Conference
Princeton, NJ
Contact: Lisa Pool at lisa.pool@verizon.net or go to www.tagtech.org
November 9-12
The Association for the Severely Handicapped (TASH)
2005 Annual Conference
Mid-West Express Center, Milwaukee, WI
For more information: www.tash.org/
November 11-12
16th Annual Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) Conference
Marriott Mountain Shadows, Scottsdale, AZ
For more information: www.cec.sped.org/
November 17-20
NARPA 2005 Conference
Reclaiming Freedom: A Call to Action
Hartford, CT
November 30-December 2
Conference of Southwest Foundations
Emerging Philanthropic Leaders Program
Contact: www.csf.org, 214-740-1787
December 7
Council on Foundations Winter Institutes
Institute for New Board Members
Council on Foundations Conference Center, Washington, DC
Contact: Karen Green, greek@cof.org, 202-467-0428, www.cof.org
December 8-9
Council on Foundations Winter Institutes
Institute for New Grantmakers
Council on Foundations Conference Center, Washington, DC
Contact: Sophie Dunbar, dunbs@cof.org, 202-467-0423, www.cof.org
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