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Disability Inclusive Grantmaking is the mission of DFN: inclusion of disability in grantmaking programs and inclusion of people with disabilities in grantmaking organizations.

girl on wheelchair

DFN E-News: Vol. 3, No. 2


Up Front: New Format for DFN E-News

After a three-month hiatus, DFN E-News is returning in a new format. Beginning this month, we will send E-News information more frequently and in smaller segments. This issue contains calendar items. The next issue, which you will receive later this week, will focus on resources and announcements; and the one after that will contain disability-related news of interest to grantmakers and grantseekers. Over the next year, we will continue to refine DFN E-News, and we encourage you to send us your reactions to the changes we’ve made and to suggest new ones.

Note: The symbol indicates disability community events.

DFN Calendar

Tuesday, June 15, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. (refreshments at 8:30 a.m.)

Grantmaker Screening and Discussion: “The Collector of Bedford Street”

Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, Room 2925 (between 33rd and 34th Streets)

DFN members in the New York City area are invited to attend a special screening and discussion of The Collector of Bedford Street, a film by Alice Elliot. This 35-minute Oscar-nominated documentary is a moving portrait of Larry Selman, a developmentally disabled community activist who has raised thousands of dollars for various charities. The film shows how a unique community collaboration helped create a life trust for Mr. Selman that has enabled him to stay in his apartment and maintain his independence. Selman, Elliot, and Mr. Selman’s services advocate and other community partners will participate in a discussion about the issues raised by the film and collaborative problem-solving.

Presented by the Disability Funders Network, Neighborhood Funders Group, Grantmakers in Aging, Grantmakers in Film & Electronic Media and the New York Regional Association of Grantmakers. Seating is limited, and RSVPs are required. If you are a grantmaker, please register by June 10 at register@nyrag.org or by fax 212-239-2075. If you are a nonprofit organization, call Jeanne Argoff at 703-560-0099 or e-mail her at njargoff@aol.com.

Quick Survey to Determine Feasibility of Joint Affinity Group (JAG) Conference: Complete by June 2

DFN is a founding member of JAG, a coalition of identity-based affinity groups concerned with diversity and social justice. Please help JAG to determine the feasibility of holding its first national conference in 2006. The conference would give DFN members a chance to attend cross cutting sessions and events with other JAG members and to create disability-specific sessions as pre- or post-conference events. The survey takes only a few minutes to fill out and can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=81777450376.

DFN Session Ideas for Council on Foundations 2005 Annual Conference in San Diego:
Call-for-session proposals due July 2

Since its inception 10 years ago, DFN has had an active presence at the annual conferences of the Council on Foundations (COF). Please let us know if you have session suggestions for next year’s conference, which will focus on the theme, “building strong and ethical foundations.” For more information about the conference, go to www.cof.org. If you have session suggestions, write to Jeanne Argoff.

Calendar of Disability and Philanthropy Events

May 19

How to Determine Essential Requirements for Students with Disabilities

Audio Conference
For more information, call 800-925-1878 or go to www.thompsoninteractive.com/upcoming.asp?topic=ed&id=197&priority=FMMD32002&virtual=sp051904.

May 21-23

The Fourth Annual Retreat for Disability Activists and Allies

The Leaven Center
Lyons, MI
For more information, go to www.tash.org/teleconferences/adult/.

May 23-26

10th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People

Hamamatsu City, Japan
For more information, go to http://transed.jp/.

May 25-27

2004 Second National Training Conference for State Coordinators for the Deaf and Other Professionals

Kellogg Conference Center
Gallaudet University
Washington, D.C.

June 1-4

Global Health Council:
Youth and Health: Generation on the Edge, 31st Annual Conference

Washington, D.C.

June 1-5

AAMR 2004 Conference

Philadelphia, PA
For more information, go to www.aamr.org/Events/future_meetings.shtml.

June 8

A Funders Guide to Supporting Advocacy: The Rules for Private and Public Foundations

Alliance for Justice
San Francisco, CA
Contact: Olga Lozano, 202-822-6070, or olozano@afj.org

June 9-12

International VSA Arts Festival

Washington, D.C.
For information, visit www.vsarts.org

June 9-12

2004 Annual Independent Living Conference

Grand Hyatt
Washington, D.C.
Contact: Natalie Shear, 202-833-4456, ext. 101, natalie@nataliepshear.com, or visit www.ncil.org/

June 14-15

2004 Performance-Based Grants Management Summit

Arlington, VA
Contact: James Simpson, 703-894-0481, ext. 204, or Simpson@performanceweb.org

June 14-16

Center for Community Foundation Excellence: Fundamentals for Community Foundations

Washington, D.C.
Contact: Heather Scott, 202-467-0406

June 16-18

2004 Corporate Grantmakers Summit:
Inquiring, Informing, Influencing: Communications Challenges in Corporate Philanthropy

Chicago, IL
Contact: Fran Eaton, 202-467-0447

June 23

A Funders Guide to Supporting Advocacy: The Rules for Private and Public Foundations

Alliance for Justice
New York, NY
Contact: Olga Lozano, 202-822-6070, or olozano@afj.org

June 25-27

World of Possibilities Disabilities Expo

Baltimore, MD
Contact: Mona Freedman, 410-549-5707, mona@caringcommunities.org, or visit www.caringcommunities.org/

July 6-10

47th Biennial NAD Conference

Kansas City, MO
For more information, go to www.nad.org/conf/index.html

July 12-13

Women Across the Life Span: A National Conference on Women, Addiction and Recovery

Baltimore, MD
For more information, go to http://conferences.jbs.biz/women_and_childwelfare/lifespan/index.htm

July 12-13

International Human Rights Funders Group
Semi-Annual Meeting

Chicago, IL
Contact: Mona Younis, 212-475-1137

July 12-14

2004 Education Grants and Funding Summit:
Best Practices for Finding, Winning and Managing Partnerships, Grants and
Fundraising Strategies for K-12 Schools

New Orleans, LA
Space is limited. For more information contact James Simpson, 703-894-0481, ext. 204 or Simpson@performanceweb.org

July 14-16

Bridges to Employment for Latinos with Disabilities

Chicago, IL
For more information, go to www.proyectovision.net/english/bridges/index.html

July 18-21

Council on Foundations 2004 Summer Institutes:
New Board Members, New Grantmakers, New Foundations

San Francisco, CA
Contact: Sophie Dunbar, 202-466-6512

July 26-28

National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities’ Second Conference

Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/

July 30

The Annual New Freedom Awards Gala

Chicago, IL
For more information, go to http://newfreedomfoundation.com/

August 12-14

Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Washington, D.C.
Contact the Kennedy Center Accessibility Office at 202-416-8727 or via e-mail at access@kennedy-center.org

September 13-15

Neighborhood Funders Group (NFG) 2004 Annual Conference
Democracy and Empowerment: Funding for Civic Engagement and Justice

Boston, MA
For more information, go to www.nfg.org

September 18

Americans with Disabilities 2004 Convention

Atlantic City, NJ
For more information, call 609-292-3745 or go to www.njddc.org/

September 20-21

Job Accommodation Network’s Annual Symposium

Orlando, FL
For more information, go to http://symposium.jan.wvu.edu/

September 26-28

Philanthropy Northwest
2004 Annual Conference and Membership Meeting

Sheraton Tacoma
Tacoma, WA
Contact: 206-443-8430

October 2-6

Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA)
2004 Fall Retreat

Koloa Kauai, HI
For more information, go to www.ega.org/events/retreat2004/index.php

October 4-6

Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families (GCYF)
2004 Annual Conference

New York, NY
For more information, go to www.gcyf.org

October 10-13

Council on Foundations
Fall Conference for Community Foundations

Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Contact: 202-466-6512 or www.cof.org

October 12-14

Northwest Area Foundation
Grassroots & Groundwork: Practical Models for Reducing Poverty and Rebuilding Communities

St. Paul, MN

October 14-16

Association of Small Foundations National Conference: A Passion for Giving

Chicago, IL

October 15-16

Grantmakers Without Borders 2004 Conference:
Global Policy, Grassroots Change

Contact: John Harvey at john@gwob.net or visit www.gwob.net

October 16-19

National Network of Grantmakers 2004 Annual Conference
Democracy Bound: Moving a Contract for Social Justice

Miami, FL
For more information, go to www.nng.org

October 17-20

Grantmakers in the Arts: 2004 Annual Conference

Cleveland, OH
For more information, go to www.giarts.org

October 19-21

Conference of Southwest Foundations
56th Annual Conference

Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe
Incline Village, NV
Contact: 214-740-1787

October 22-24

World of Possibilities Disabilities Expo

Dulles Expo Center
Chantilly, VA
Contact: Mona Freedman at 410-549-5707 or mona@caringcommunities.org

October 27-29

Grantmakers in Aging
The Future is Here: A Window on Our Changing America

Coconut Grove, FL
For more information visit www.giaging.org

October 27-30

NADD Annual Conference

Vancouver, BC
For more information, visit www.thenadd.org/

November 2-5

Council of Michigan Foundations
32nd Annual CMF Conference

Hyatt Regency
Dearborn, MI
Contact: Vicki Rosenberg, 616-842-7080

November 6-12

Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Annual Meeting
Bethesda, MD
For more information visit www.aucd.org/

November 10-12

Southeastern Council of Foundations Annual Meeting:
Aiming High in the Low Country

Charleston Place Hotel
Charleston, SC
Contact: Marianne Gordon, 404-524-0911

November 10-13

American Association of Grant Professionals (AAGP)
6th Annual AAGP National Conference

Boston, MA

November 17-20

TASH 2004 Annual Conference

Reno, NV
For more information, go to www.tash.org/

November 18-20

2004 National ARC Conference

Boston, MA
For more information, go to www.thearc.org/

December 1-2

Environmental Grantmakers Association
Federal Policy Briefing 2004

Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.ega.org

December 4-8

CEC Division on Early Childhood Conference

Chicago, IL
For more information, go to www.dec-sped.org/

December 6-9

Council on Foundations 2004 Winter Institutes:
New Board Members, New Grantmakers, New Foundations

Washington, D.C.
Contact: Sophie Dunbar, 202-466-6512
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