Vol. 7, No. 2: March 2008
In This Issue
- News
- Information and Resources
- Grants, Scholarships, Internships and Other Funding Opportunities
- Publications, Media Resources and Releases
- Conferences, Events, Meetings and Courses
- Web Sites
- Speakers
- Resolving Issues
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March 17, 2008 — DFN Launches New Web Site: www.disabilityfunders.org
Update your records:
Effective January 1, 2008 DFN’s New Mailing Address is:
Disability Funders Network
14241 Midlothian Trnpk., #151
Midlothian, VA 23113-6500
Note the new URLs added this month: http://www.wrightslaw.com/ (education); www.photodisc.com; www.stockbyte.com; www.photos.com; www.gettyone.com. These last are sources where many graphic artists purchase photos of individuals with disabilities. If you have sources, especially free or low- cost, that you would like to share, please let me know.
Museum of disABILITY History in Williamsville, NY: http://www.museumofdisability.org.
AAPD 2008 LEADERSHIP GALA: This year the gala will be held on Wednesday, March 5, at The National Building Museum in Washington, DC. For details, visit their Web site at www.aapd.com.
AAPD’S 2008 AWARDEES ANNOUNCED: The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) recently announced that the prestigious 2008 Henry B. Betts Award will be presented to Eric Rosenthal, Executive Director of Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI), for pioneering the field of international human rights advocacy for people with disabilities and bringing unprecedented international awareness to their concerns. AAPD also announced that the recipients of the 2008 Paul G. Hearne/AAPD Leadership Awards are Brett Eisenberg from New York, NY, and Rahnee K. Patrick from Chicago, IL. For more information, go to www.aapd.com.
NEW FREEDOM INITIATIVE AWARD NOMINATIONS OPEN: U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao has called upon nonprofit organizations, small businesses, corporations and individuals that have demonstrated exemplary and innovative efforts in advancing the employment and workplace environment of people with disabilities to submit entries for the 2008 Secretary of Labor’s New Freedom Initiative Award. For information, visit www.dol.gov/odep.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AMERICA FOUNDATION AWARDS $1,117,000 IN GRANTS: These grants focus on full inclusion of young people with disabilities and funded six new national projects, continued multiyear projects, and provided matching grants and matching gifts to organizations selected by Mitsubishi Electric US employees in the communities where they live and work. For more information, visit http://www.meaf.org/news/pr.html.
ADAPT CELEBRATES 25 YEARS: ADAPT will hold a multi-faceted 25th anniversary celebration in Washington, D.C., April 26 – May 2, 2008. Events include a Fun Run/Roll, showing of the Wade Blank film, Storycorps interviews, the Road to Freedom Bus, a dance, cake and more. Visit http://www.adapt25.org.
TRAVEL ABROAD: Mobility International USA is offering a summer experience in Costa Rica where you would live with a host family, learn Spanish through immersion and learn about disability rights and leadership. The program runs from June 27 to July 12, 2008 and the application deadline is Friday, March 28, 2008. Scholarships are available. Applications are online. First time travelers with disabilities who are between 18-24 years old, from cultural minority and low-income backgrounds are encouraged to apply. For more information: apply@miusa.org or 541-343-1284 (tel/tty) http://www.miusa.org.
YOUNG ARTISTS: The Brian Ayers Memorial Art Exhibition in Boone, NC, celebrates the unusual artistic ability of children and young adults ages 10-25 with learning disabilities. Twenty-five artists will receive $50 awards in 2008. The art will be exhibited in several venues in North Carolina and will be exhibited on the Brian Ayers Web site, www.ldart.org/gallery.html. Entry deadline: May 1, 2008.
SOCIAL POLICY GRADUATE INTERNSHIP: The National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) has established the Eileen Sweeney Graduate Internship. Graduate students aspiring to a career in social policy with a focus on disability are urged to apply for this 12-week summer semester internship. A student will be awarded the internship based on nationwide recruitment and a competitive selection process. Application Deadline: March 1, 2008. For more information, see http://www.nasi.org/info-url_nocat3815/info-url_nocat_show.htm?doc_id=43….
CDRF QUALITY OF LIFE GRANTS: The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation (CDRF) awards grants in 13 categories, including health promotion, employment, sports and recreation, and advocacy, to fund programs across the globe that help people with paralysis become more fully integrated members of society. Grants that focus on improving the health of individuals are funded through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For more information, go to www.christopherreeve.org.
THE WASHINGTON CENTER FOR INTERNSHIPS AND ACADEMIC SEMINARS (TWC): This prestigious educational nonprofit organization, entering its 30th year, offers an academic program combined with internships in Washington, D.C. They offer a fully inclusive program, including accessible housing. To learn more about the program, visit www.twc.edu.
AAPD-ADMINISTERED SUMMER INTERNSHIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: AAPD administers two prestigious internships. One is funded by the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation and places students in congressional offices in Washington, D.C. The second, funded by Microsoft, is for students majoring in information technology and accepted candidates will work in various agencies in the executive branch of the federal government. For details visit AAPD’s Web site at www.aapd.com.
AAAS SPONSORS ENTRY POINT! ENTRY POINT!, a program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, offers internship opportunities for college students with disabilities in science, engineering, mathematics, computer science and some fields of business. To learn more about this program, visit http://ehrweb.aaas.org/entrypoint/.
EMERGING LEADERS INTERNSHIPS: This program, launched and funded by the international consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, is administered by the National Business & Disability Council and provides internships for college students with disabilities. These internships are located in several geographic locations and with a wide range of companies. For details, visit their site at www.emerging-leaders.com.
WORKFORCE RECRUITMENT PROGRAM: The WRP’s stellar database of individually interviewed and prescreened college and university students with disabilities is available to meet your summer or permanent workforce needs. This pipeline program is co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Department of Defense. If you are affiliated with a federal agency, go to www.wrp.gov. If you are not, you may request a search by contacting the Employer Assistance and Recruiting Network (EARN) at www.earnworks.com.
CAREER GATEWAY: A Web-based service of Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD) for employers and graduating college and university students where students can post their resumes and employers can search for qualified candidates. For information, go to www.cosdonline.org.
SCHOLARSHIP FOR GRADUATING SENIORS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES: The National Center for Learning Disabilities annual awards the Ann Ford Scholarship of $10,000 to an outstanding high school senior with a learning disability who is committed to completing a college degree. For information, visit www.ncld.org.
DISABILITY STATUS REPORT: Cornell University recently released the 2006 Disability Status Report. The report provides a summary of the most recent demographic and economic statistics on the working-age (ages 21-64) population with disabilities by state in the United States. The full report, including individual state reports, is available online at http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/disabilitystatistics/.
BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE FROM DIVERSITY WORLD: Hidden Talent: How Leading Companies Hire, Retain, and Benefit from People with Disabilities, edited by Mark L. Lengnick-Hall; Making Self-Employment Work for People with Disabilities, by Cary Griffin & David Hammis; The Job Developers Handbook: Practical Methods for Customized Employment by Cary Griffin, David Hammis, & Tammara Geary; Working Relationships:Creating Career Opportunities for Job Seekers with Disabilities Through Employer Partnerships by Richard Luecking, Ellen Fabian, George P. Tilson. For information or to order, go to http://www.diversityshop.com/store/disability.html.
NCD’S NEWEST REPORTS: The No Child Left Behind Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: A Progress Report; National Disability Policy: A Progress Report. Available in multiple formats at http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/index.htm.
ACCESSIBILITY GUIDE TO CHICAGO: Easy Access Chicago is a free 52-page guide that details public transportation options, local attractions and accessible neighborhoods as well as referrals to an online database with hotel and restaurant listings. Call 1-800-2Connect or visit http://www.enjoyillinois.com or http://www.easyaccesschicago.org.
NEW VIDEO FROM OREGON BLN: The Oregon Business Leadership Network recently posted on its Web site a new 2 ½ minute video entitled “Look at My Ability.” This video, aimed at business, features individuals, veterans and transitioning students with disabilities. To view, go to http://www.obln.org/LAMA.htm.
REPORT ON FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT: The EEOC recently issued a comprehensive report addressing strategies to reverse the declining participation rate of federal employees with targeted disabilities. The report, “Improving the Participation Rate of People with Targeted Disabilities in the Federal Workforce,” reiterates the call for the federal government to be the nation’s model employer, providing equal opportunity to all Americans, including those with disabilities. The report can be found on the EEOC’s Web site at www.eeoc.gov/federal/report/pwtd.html.
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGING, DISABILITY AND INDEPENDENCE will be held at the Hilton St. Petersburg, FL, Feb. 20-23. For information, go to www.icadi.phhp.ufl.edu.
CSUN 2008 CONFERENCE: The 22nd Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference, sponsored by California State University Northridge, will be held March 10-15, 2008, in Los Angeles, CA. For information, go to http://www.csun.edu/cod/conf/2008/.
VIRTUAL JOB FAIR FOR DISABLED COLLEGE STUDENTS: disABLEDperson Inc will hold an Online Job Fair for Disabled College Students in April. The event will target the western states of Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. For more information, contact them at 760-420-1269 or e-mail them at disabledpersons@aol.com. Details will be on their Web site, www.disABLEDperson.com.
Inclusion: a DFN conference call for grantmakers and grantseekers MEAF is proud to present Talking Inclusion: sharing ideas on how to fully include people with disabilities in society, the next in the Disability Funders Network Conference Call Series sponsored by the HSC Foundation. The call will be presented live from the Kids Included Together Conference on April 3, 1:30 p.m. ET/10:30 a.m. PT, and is open to all grantmakers and grantseekers. Join us to learn how the Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation, Bubel/Aiken Foundation and Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation are supporting initiatives to more fully include people with disabilities in community life. Representatives from the Inclusion Network, YMCA, and Boys & Girls Clubs of America will be the featured grant partners on the call. To register for the call, e-mail: disabilityfunders@disabilityfunders.org. Space is limited and the deadline for registration is Friday, March 21.
DISABILITY LAW SYMPOSIUM: The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Jernigan Institute will host the first Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium, “Disability Law: From tenBroek to the Twenty-first Century,” on April 10-11, 2008, at the Jernigan Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. For a brochure, agenda, and registration form and details, see www.nfb.org/nfb/Law_Symposium.asp or contact Lou Ann Blake by e-mail at lblake@nfb.org, or by telephone at (410) 659-9314, extension 2221.
PACIFIC RIM CONFERENCE: The 24th Annual Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities will be held April 14-15, 2008 at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel & Resort, Honolulu. For information, go to www.pacrim.hawaii.edu.
DFN AND THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SYMPOSIUM: Framing Legal and Human Rights Strategies for Change: A Case Study of Disability Rights in Asia.
University of Washington School of Law, Magnuson-Jackson Moot Court Room, April 24-45, 2008. Sponsored by Disability Funders Network, University of Washington Disability Studies Program, the Asian Law Center at the U.W. School of Law and the University of Washington School of Law. Publisher of papers: Washington Law Review and Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal. For more information, e-mail: disabilityfunders@disabilityfunders.org.
May 5 COF Summit Session: The Ecology of Grantmaking Effectiveness – inclusion panel with DFN executive director
May 5, 7-9 p.m. Council on Foundations (COF): DFN Summit Reception hosted By DFN; Funders Concerned about AIDS; Funders for Lesbian & Gay Issues; Funders Network on Population; Reproductive Health & Rights; International Human Rights Funders Group.
NATIONAL ADA SYMPOSIUM: The National ADA Symposium is an annual three day conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act and related disability laws. The 2008 Symposium & EXPO/Assistive Technology Fair will be held May 12-14, 2008 in St. Louis, MO, at America’s Center. For information, go to www.adasymposium.org.
APSE 19TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE: The Winners Cup …Everybody Works! Everybody Wins! This year’s conference takes place from July 9 -11, 2008 in Louisville, KY. The APSE conference is exclusively focused on employment of people with significant disabilities in the community, and is the forum for sharing knowledge and expertise on the latest developments and innovations in the field with APSE members from across the country. This year’s conference will have nine theme tracks: www.apse.org.
2008 NCIL ANNUAL CONFERENCE: The National Council on Independent Living will hold its Annual Conference, “Time for Change … Use Your Power,” from July 21 – 24, 2008 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C. Information on the conference, including sponsorship and exhibit opportunities, can be found on their Web site at www.ncil.org.
FLORIDA DMD KICKOFF & CAREER FAIR: The Able Trust and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation will hold its annual Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) Statewide Kickoff Celebration and Career Fair for students with disabilities. This signature event will take place on October 2, 2008 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando. For details visit their Web site at www.abletrust.org.
WHERE IS THE JAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Looking for information about the annual Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Conference? 2008 brings about a change in the type of conference training JAN will offer. JAN is joining forces with the U.S. Business Leadership Network (USBLN) to offer a JAN SuperTrack at the USBLN’s 2008 conference in Portland, OR, October 5th – 8th, 2008. Conference details and information about how to register will be available on the JAN Web site in the near future at www.jan.wvu.org.
USBLN® ANNUAL CONFERENCE: The USBLN Annual Conference & Career Fair will be held at the Marriott Portland from October 5-8, 2008 in Portland, OR. Additional information will be on their Web site at www.usbln.org.
JAN/USBLN WEBCAST SERIES: The Job Accommodation Network and USBLN have teamed up for the 2008 series. These educational sessions are held the second Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. Eastern (with the exception of May.) For details, go to www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/.
ACCESSIBLE TRANSPORTATION TRAINING SCHEDULE: People on the Move: Using All Transportation Options (ADA and Beyond…) is a free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in local communities. Training courses started in February 2008 and continue through July 2010. Locations are San Diego; New Orleans; Washington, D.C.; Bloomington, IN; and Eugene, OR. For details, go to http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move&autologin=true&JServSessionIdr009=53bbjymya1.app28a.
ONLINE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES: Online courses from experts in Disability, Workplace & Employment Support Practice are now available from the Employment and Disability Institute (EDI) at Cornell University’s ILR School. These are online professional development courses and certificate programs in Disability, Workplace & Employment Support Practice. Each course consists of interactive multimedia presentations and downloadable PowerPoint course materials: www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/.
WINDMILLS: The nationally recognized training program WINDMILLS has recently been updated and is distributed exclusively by Damon Brooks Associates. For information, visit their Web site at www.DamonBrooks.com.
DOJ ON-LINE COURSE ON REACHING THE DISABILITY MARKET: The U.S. Department of Justice’s Disability Rights Section’s has an online course for businesses, “Reaching Out to Customers with Disabilities.” The course explains how the ADA applies to businesses in ten short lessons. Putting these lessons into practice enables businesses to both comply with the ADA and attract the disability market. The course is at www.ada.gov/reachingout/intro1.htm.
SPORTS & RECREATION: Disabled Sports USA offers sports and recreation opportunities to people with disabilities at 85 chapters throughout the United States. This includes the “Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project”, a program for the service men and women injured in recent conflicts overseas. For more information, a chapter listing and calendar of events, visit www.disabledsportsusa.org.
AT YOUR SERVICE: WELCOMING CUSTOMERS WITH DISABILITIES: A free, accessible, self-paced Web course for people interested in discovering best practices for working with customers who have disabilities. This course has recently been revised and expanded in response to requests from more than 10,000 participants who have taken the course. It was funded with federal dollars for training local public customer service representatives, but has been found to be a valuable training tool for the private sector. Check it out at www.wiawebcourse.org.
JOB DEVELOPMENT WEB COURSE: TRN, Inc. offers Web training covering key principles and hands-on tools for job development for youth and adults with disabilities. The course includes applying marketing principles, creating various job-seeking tools, and developing business partnerships. For information, go to www.trninc.com/entry/welcome2.asp.
NEW VIDEO FROM OREGON BLN: The Oregon Business Leadership Network recently posted on its web site a new 2 ½ minute video,”Look at My Ability.” This video, aimed at business, features individuals, veterans and transitioning students with disabilities. To view, go to http://www.obln.org/LAMA.htm.
REPORT ON FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT: The EEOC recently issued a comprehensive report addressing strategies to reverse the declining participation rate of federal employees with targeted disabilities. The report, “Improving the Participation Rate of People with Targeted Disabilities in the Federal Workforce,” reiterates the call for the federal government to be the nation’s model employer, providing equal opportunity to all Americans, including those with disabilities. The report can be found on the EEOC’s website at www.eeoc.gov/federal/report/pwtd.html.
Web Sites on Disability Topics and Issues
www.concretechange.org The site dedicated to making all homes “visitable”
www.easylivinghome.org The site that offers information on a certification program to bring builders and home buyers together for homes that are easy to build, easy to live in and easy to sell
www.montgomerycountymd.gov/hhstmpl.asp?url=/content/hhs/ads/DesignForLife/DesignForLifeMontgomery.asp The Web site for Montgomery County, Maryland’s, Design for Life Montgomery program, the first voluntary certification program in Maryland for Visit-Ability and Live-Ability in single family attached and detached homes located in Montgomery County.
www.adata.org The site for the ADA & IT Technical Assistance Centers (aka DBTACs), which are comprehensive resources for information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and accessible information technology. Also toll free at 1-800-949-4232 (V/TTY)
www.jan.wvu.edu The site for the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), a service of the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) of the U.S. Department of Labor. In addition to providing information on job accommodations, self-employment and small business opportunities, JAN provides information on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
www.adaportal.org A Web portal on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and offers visitors approximately 3,400 documents in 10 subject categories on the ADA. The Web portal was launched by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) at the Department of Education.
www.universaldesign.com The Web site for Universal Designers and Consultants with links to valuable Web sites, free access to Universal Design Newsletter and free downloads of technical documents
www.adawatch.org The Web site for the National Coalition for Disability Rights
www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada The Web site for the U.S. Department of Justice’s ADA homepage
www.eeoc.gov The Web site for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
www.adabasics.org This site links to a free self-paced Web course that explores the legal requirements and the spirit of the ADA and is a project of ADA & IT Assistance Centers
www.adaconsults.com Accessibility Development Associates, Inc. newly designed Web site.
www.adacourse.org The DBTAC – National Network of ADA Centers’ ADA Training Resource Center–Your One-Stop for Courses, Events & Tools
http://members.aol.com/DAC4VA/main.htm This is the site for the Disabled Action Committee, a Virginia based non-partisan entity formed to promote voting and political participation by members of the disability community. Has an extensive list of Web links.
www.adabasics.org This site links to a free self-paced Web course that explores the legal requirements and the spirit of the ADA and is a project of ADA & IT Assistance Centers.
www.lgtinc.org Mark Johnson, nationally recognize disability rights advocate, New Mobility Magazine’s 2001 Person of the Year, and 2007 Betts Award Winner, created this new Web site dedicated to the pioneers of the movement and the people and groups making a difference.
http://roadtofreedom.wordpress.com The Web site for The Road to Freedom bus tour, a national awareness campaign inspired by the historic journey of Justin and Yoshiko Dart to mobilize support for passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This year-long, cross-country bus journey launched from Washington, D.C., on November 15, 2006.
www.dredf.org/ The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, founded in 1979, is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities.
www.coataccess.org The Web site for COAT, a coalition of disability organizations that advocate for legislative and regulatory safeguards that will ensure full access by people with disabilities to evolving high speed broadband, wireless and other Internet protocol (IP) technologies
http://ability.aol.com/ The AOL Ability blog site and forum designed to provide focused content for people with disabilities and to heighten disability awareness with mainstream audiences
www.adapadvocacyassociation.org The ADAP Advocacy Association (aaa+) promotes and enhances the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) and improves access to care for persons living with HIV/AIDS.
www.hearingloss.org The Web site for the Hearing Loss Association of America. The organization has state affiliates.
www.heath.gwu.edu The HEATH Resource Center, located at The George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development, is the national clearinghouse on postsecondary education for individuals with disabilities. Support from the U.S. Department of Education enables the clearinghouse to serve as an information exchange about educational support services, policies, procedures, adaptations, and opportunities at American campuses, vocational-technical schools, and other postsecondary training entities.
www.careersindesign.org Adaptive Environments’ Web resources to inform people with disabilities about careers in design. The project, Building Careers in Design, was funded by a contract with the RSA National Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center.
www.ncset.org/youthtowork The Web site for the new coalition of corporations, nonprofits, academic institutions and federal agencies established to promote internships and mentoring programs for young people with disabilities
www.finaid.org/otheraid/disabled.phtml The site for FinAid has a disability resources page including financial aid strategies and scholarship opportunities.
www.newmobility.com/review_article.cfm?id=122&action=browse NewMobility’s information on disability friendly colleges including a grid regarding specialty services offered.
www.bcc.ctc.edu/venture The site for Washington State’s Bellevue Community College’s Venture program, a 90-credit Associate in Essential Studies degree, for high-functioning individuals with learning, cognitive and intellectual disabilities
www.cec.sped.org/diversity/edc.html The Web site for the Educators with Disabilities Caucus (EDC), a diversity caucus under the Council for Exceptional Children, is a national network of pre-service students, teachers, researchers, and administrators with disabilities and others interested in the topic of educators with disabilities
www.thinkcollege.net A Web site devoted to providing a centralized pool of information on opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities to go to college.
http://research.nichcy.org NICHCY’s Research Center designed to connect visitors with the research evidence on a wide range of education practices.
www.osepideasthatwork.org/index.asp OSERS’ new Web site designed to make it easier for families to find training materials and publications on education and services for individuals ages birth to 21.
www.wrightslaw.com The Wrightslaw Web site for information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities
www.diversityworld.com Diversity World
www.worksupport.com Information, resources and research about work and disability issues
www.ibm.com/able IBM’s Accessibility Center Web Site with information on News, Guido Corona’s Blog, Accessibility, Products, and much more
www.eop.com/cd.html Careers and the Disabled
www.usbln.com The Web page for the Business Leadership Network
www.earnworks.com Employer Assistance & Recruiting Network: A free service to connect employers with disability staffing agencies
www.jan.wvu.edu The Job Accommodation Network: A free technical assistance service on cost-effective accommodations in the workplace
http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/alliance-pwd/ is the home of the on-line discussion group of the Silicon Valley-based Alliance of Professionals with Disabilities
www.dol.gov/odep/pubs/newsletter/200502.htm The Office of Disability Employment Policy’s new e-newsletter, Workforce Catalyst
www.deafprofessional.net The Web site for the new organization the Deaf Professional Network, which was recently formed to promote career development and networking opportunities for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community
www.ed.gov/rschstat/research/pubs/vrpractices/index.html This U.S. Department of Education Web page lists the Employment Specialists in all 50 states.
www.db101.org The model Web site developed by WID for California residents with disabilities who are looking to go to work and need to find programs on careers and benefits.
www.eeoc.gov/initiatives/lead The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Leadership for the Employment of Americans with Disabilities, or LEAD Web site. This initiative is EEOC’s action to stem the decline of individuals with disabilities in the federal workforce. Events and information will be posted here.
www.servicelocator.org The Web site to search for a One-Stop nearest you. One-Stops provide employment services to both individuals seeking employment and employers seeking job candidates.
http://online.onetcenter.org The Web site to find occupational information such as key attributes and characteristics of workers and occupations.
www.start-up-usa.biz Self-employment Web site funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy to provide technical assistance and information for individuals with disabilities
http://employmentincentives.com A private grant funded Web site that provides information on national and state incentives for employers who hire job candidates with disabilities.
www.qualitymall.org/funding/index.asp Quality Mall is an online resource for products and services that support folks with developmental disabilities and has a new section on funding information
www.aapd.com American Association of People with Disabilities
www.nod.org National Organization on Disability
www.disaboom.com Web site launched in September 2007 as a membership site where individuals with disabilities can find and share information about all aspects of life.
www.disabilityresources.org Disability Resources on the Internet
www.naric.com/ National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)
www.brokenbeauties.com. A site featuring colorful, fashionable orthopedic equipment such as “Walkin’ Beauties”, folding walkers in bright colors
www.damonbrooks.com. This Web site provides a source for speakers on disability and entertainers with disabilities, including the established “Windmills” program. They also publish an on-line e-newsletter, APPLAUSE.
www.UCP.org The Web site for United Cerebral Palsy that has state-by-state resource guides online. To access, click through to the “Parenting and Families” channel, and then to “Resources.”
www.ncil.org The Web site for the National Council on Independent Living
www.ilru.org The site for the Independent Living Research Utilization program, which is a national center for information, training, research and technical assistance in independent living located at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
www.spokeguardart.com Web site for Spokeguard Art, a small business developed by a wheelchair user that puts designs on the spokeguards for wheelchairs. They now have several designs as well as links to other resources.
www.starlingweb.com/adp/as00028e.htm A Web site listing disability-related conferences in the areas of rehabilitation and assistive technology
www.proyectovision.net/index.html This is Proyecto Vision’s bilingual Web site for Latinos with disabilities. Although it has an employment focus, it does feature other information of interest to Latinos with disabilities.
www.garykarpspeaks.com Web site featuring disability resources from this writer, speaker and trainer
www.aboutdisability.com/bib.html A page on the About Disability Web site that is updated several times a year and features media resources (e.g. books, videos, feature films, etc) that address the new disability paradigm
www.abilitypanel.com The Web site for online panels for people with disabilities
www.dating4disabled.com A Web site for individuals with physical and sensory disabilities to can come together through forums, a dating service, private chats, and blog. The members of Dating4Disabled can network internationally. Membership is free.
http://labs.google.com/accessible Google’s accessible Web site
http://ldonline.org The Web site for LD Online, a Web site with information and resources for individuals with learning disabilities and ADHD
www.edd.ca.gov/mediaaccessawards/ The site for the Media Access Awards
http://skipslist.org Skip’s list that is an online information exchange for people with disabilities.
www.mdjunction.com/permanently-disabled An on-line support group for individuals with disabilities
www.photodisc.com; www.stockbyte.com; www.photos.com; www.gettyone.com These are sources where many graphic artists purchase photos of individuals with disabilities; if you have sources, especially free or low cost, that you would like to share, please let DFN know.
GOVERNMENT (federal and state)
www.disabilityinfo.gov Federal Web site of disability-related government resources
www.grants.gov Federal Web site providing information on federal government grants
www.socialsecurity.gov/work Federal Web site providing information on returning to work for individuals receiving Social Security based on disability
www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/disabilitynews.htm U.S. Department of Justice’s online monthly newsletter on disability rights
www.ada.gov/civiccommonprobs.htm U.S. Department of Justice’s Web site for its Project Civic Access
www.dol.gov/odep The U.S Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy Web site
www.nagcpd.com/index.html The Web site for the National Association of Governors’ Committees on People with Disabilities
www.nichd.nih.gov/about/ncmrr/ncmrr.htm The Web site for the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research
www.longtermcare.gov The new HHS Web site for the “Own Your Future” campaign and the National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information
www.disabilityworld.org An international electronic magazine of world-wide disability news and views
www.miusa.org Mobility International USA’s site with information on international opportunities
www.disabilitypolicycenter.org The Center for the Study and Advancement of Disability Policy
disability.law.uiowa.edu The Web site for thte Law, Health Policy & Disability Center located at the University of Iowa
http://bbi.syr.edu The Web site for The Burton Blatt Institute Centers of Innovation on Disability (BBI), located at Syracuse University
www.aphsa.org/disabilities The Center for Workers with Disabilities (CWD), a technical assistance center for states enhancing or developing employment supports programs for working persons with disabilities. CWD is a special project of the National Association of State Medicaid Directors (NASMD) and the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA).
www.dredf.org The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, founded in 1979, is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities.
www.dsusa.org Disabled Sports USA is a national nonprofit organization offering nationwide sports rehabilitation programs to anyone with a permanent physical disability.
www.ncpad.org National Center on Physical Activity and Disability is an information center concerned with physical activity and disability located at the University of Chicago
www.wildernessinquiry.org Wilderness Inquiry is a non-profit organization that organizes trips to “wild” places. These trips are designed to include individuals with and without disabilities
www.mobilitygolf.com Mobility Golf is a non-profit organization designed to provide information and advocacy for access to golf courses.
www.elakah.com Accessible & inclusive sea kayaking in Washington state
http://rrtc-sci.livejournal.com Blog on exercising with a spinal cord injury or dysfunction
http://accessibletrails.com Washington state trail and outdoor recreation information for people with disabilities. Site has links to similar Web sites.
www.ablenews.com The Web site for “ABLE,” a New York newspaper “by, for and about” people with disabilities
www.disabilitystatistics.org Disability Statistics: An Online Resource for U.S. Disability Statistics developed by Cornell University, with funding from the National Institute on Disability Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). This site feature disability statistics and related demographic information.
www.census.gov/hhes/www/disability/disability.html The U. S. Census and U. S. Census-Disability site
www.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/osep/2002/index.html Twenty-Fourth Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act features other reports and articles with data
www.bls.gov The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ site – the Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
www.nlts2.org The National Longitudinal Transition Study 2 (NLTS2). This study, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, is documenting the experiences of a national sample of students with disabilities who were 13 to 16 years of age in 2000 as they move from secondary school into adult roles.
www.urban.org The Urban Institute’s Center on Labor, Human Services and Population features resources and statistics on youth development and school completion.
http://nces.ed.gov The National Center for Education Statistics’ site, which is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.
www.childtrendsdatabank.org The site for Child Trends and Child Trends Data Bank
www.aecf.org/kidscount/databook/ The site for the Annie E. Casey Foundation-Kids Count featuring data reflecting 10 key indicators for child well-being
www.ssa.gov/policy/ Social Security Administration-Office of Policy’s site. The Office of Policy serves as the Social Security Administration’s focal point for policy analysis and research, evaluation, and statistics.
www.statedata.info This Web site generates customized charts of state, national, and individual disability data.
www.atechnews.com The Web site for Assistive Technology News featuring articles written by award winning columnist John Williams, guest columnists, and new technologies.
www.albritton.us The Web site for a California-based for-profit business that provides Web accessibility and other disability services. The site has good resources and links.
www.unitedweride.gov The United We Ride (UWR) new Web site for the Federal Interagency Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM).
www.projectaction.org The Web site for Project Action, a U.S. DOT and FTA- funded program to address accessible transportation in the community.
http://ftawebprod.fta.dot.gov/UsefulPractices/ The United We Ride Web site’s page with “useful practices” undertaken by local transportation providers
www.fta.dot.gov Web site for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Agency (FTA). Here you can find information on rule making, ADA complaint forms, completed compliance review reports, Letters of Finding responding to riders’ complaints, and current policy guidance.
www.access-able.com Access-Able Travel Source
www.travelintalk.net Travelin’ Talk Network
www.gimponthego.com A site full of hints, reports and information provided by travelers with disabilities
disabilityguide.org The site for disability-related information on the Washington, D.C., area. The Web site features information on hotels, restaurants, attractions, entertainment, resources for personal assistants, wheelchair repair and rental sources, tours, employment, a discussion forum, reviews, etc.
www.hirevetsfirst.gov/realifelines/One_on_One_map.asp The link to the REALifelines program providing community and employment connections for veterans with disabilities
http://carecure.rutgers.edu/mobilewomen/wearewomen.php The Web site for the online magazine, mobileWOMEN.org, for women who are wheelchair users
www.bcm.edu/crowd/ The Web site for the Center for Research on Women with Disabilities at the Baylor College of Medicine
www.ncld-youth.info The site for the National Consortium on Leadership and Disability for Youth (NCLD-Youth). This a youth-led resource, information, and training center for youth and emerging leaders with developmental disabilities, housed at the Institute for Educational Leadership and funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities.
www.ncwd-youth.info The Web site of the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability providing information on employment and youth with disabilities.
www.ncset.org/youthtowork: The Web site for the new coalition of corporations, nonprofits, academic institutions and federal agencies, the Youth To Work Coalition. The coalition’s Web site is designed to help employers and students and will feature best practices, profiles of students and businesses and a comprehensive guide of national and local mentoring and internship programs.
www.nsttac.org The National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC)funded by the U. S. Department of Education/OSEP to assist states in building their capacity to support and improve transition planning, services, and outcomes for youth with disabilities.
http://youth.eeoc.gov EEOC’s Web site that contains information explaining the different types of job discrimination that young workers may encounter and suggested strategies they can use to prevent, and if necessary, respond to such discrimination.
www.handsonbanking.org The site for the training program developed by Wells Fargo Bank with modules for youth and adults. A free copy of the CD can be requested by calling Wells Fargo at (866) 650-6228. It is also on the Web if your computer will allow you to download the Macromedia Flash Player program.
www.includingallkids.org The site for information on including youth with disabilities in the activities of mainstream organizations.
www.communityinclusion.org The site for the National Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities.
www.fvkasa.org The Web site for Youth as Self Advocates.
www.kidsonwheels.cc The Web site for Kids on Wheels
SOURCE FOR PROFESSIONAL SPEAKERS/TRAINERS WITH DISABILITIES: For businesses and organizations seeking well-known, professional presenters and trainers, including the well-respected “Windmills” training, on disability, visit the Web site for the Damon Brooks Agency at www.damonbrooks.com
AIRLINE TRAVEL: To resolve issues on the spot as they occur or in advance of travel, call the DOT’s hotline at (800) 778-4838 (voice) or (800) 455-9880 (TTY) from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern time. To have a complaint investigated by DOT, submit complaints by e-mail to airconsumer@ost.dot.gov or by mail to: Aviation Consumer Protection Division, U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.